
Monday, March 29, 2010

The high school student senate is selling Earth Day shirts for $10 each. Orders must be turned into Mrs. Stegemann at the high school by Thursday. You can call her if you have questions, 625-1211 ext. 125.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Literature Projects

Only two literature projects are left this year. Historical fiction is the genre due on March 26. Do not choose a book we have read together (i.e., Pink and Say.)
The historical fiction you choose should:
*present a well-told story that doesn't conflict with historical records,
*portray characters realistically,
*present authentic settings,
*artfully fold in historical facts,
*provide accurate information through illustrations, and
*avoid stereotypes and myths.

Students will be given an project they can complete on Friday. It is a flip book. They can do something to go with their flip book if they'd like (for example, dress like a character, play a game the character played, bring in an artifact that goes with the book).

List of historical fiction books

More ideas for historical fiction
The final literature project for this year is the student's choice, but it MUST be a chapter book.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mrs. Thompson's Homework

As many of you know, I am working on getting my masters in biology and zoology from Miami. This semester I am taking a class called Conservation Biology in the Age of Technology. Like the title suggests, it deals with how to use technology to learn about and communicate conservation topics.

My first big assignment is to develop an ecology project with the kids. I have set up a blog that the kids will be able to take polls, add comments, and even create posts of their own. We will do most of this at school, but I will give the students extra credit if they decide to do additional work on their own.

We started today talking about water conservation and endangered species. The blog address is:

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Meeting at the Movies!!

We will be meeting at the Milford Showcase cinemas on SUNDAY, March 7th at 3:30 to see The Lightning Thief. The movie starts at 3:45. Parent are welcome to come or feel free to drop your kids off with $$. The movie is approximately 2 hours, so please be there by 5:45 to pick them up.

Please email if you have any questions.