Sunday, September 26, 2010
Week of Sept. 27th
Literature projects are due Wednesday. Students should begin looking for the books for their next project. They will be reading mystery books.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Week of Sept. 20th
The due date for their first literature project is fast approaching. I have extended my due date to Sept. 29th.
Realistic Fiction is
- a form of fiction (not true)
- accurately reflects life as it could be lived today
- everything in the story could happen to real people living in our natural physical world
- the characters have normal human powers
- story may be set in real places, but the story is NOT based on history, nor does it contain elements of science fiction
Click here or here for a list of titles that fit this genre.
Remember, picture day is Thursday!!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Literature Projects
Only two literature projects are left this year. Historical fiction is the genre due on March 26. Do not choose a book we have read together (i.e., Pink and Say.)
The historical fiction you choose should:
*present a well-told story that doesn't conflict with historical records,
*portray characters realistically,
*present authentic settings,
*artfully fold in historical facts,
*provide accurate information through illustrations, and
*avoid stereotypes and myths.
Students will be given an project they can complete on Friday. It is a flip book. They can do something to go with their flip book if they'd like (for example, dress like a character, play a game the character played, bring in an artifact that goes with the book).
List of historical fiction books
More ideas for historical fiction
The final literature project for this year is the student's choice, but it MUST be a chapter book.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Mrs. Thompson's Homework

My first big assignment is to develop an ecology project with the kids. I have set up a blog that the kids will be able to take polls, add comments, and even create posts of their own. We will do most of this at school, but I will give the students extra credit if they decide to do additional work on their own.
We started today talking about water conservation and endangered species. The blog address is:
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Meeting at the Movies!!

We will be meeting at the Milford Showcase cinemas on SUNDAY, March 7th at 3:30 to see The Lightning Thief. The movie starts at 3:45. Parent are welcome to come or feel free to drop your kids off with $$. The movie is approximately 2 hours, so please be there by 5:45 to pick them up.
Please email if you have any questions.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Lots of changes!
Valentine's Day party will be tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Thompson's literature projects have been postponed to next Friday. An outline of a possible project will go home in Friday Folders tomorrow.
Conferences are going to be Tuesday and Wednesday next week. If you requested a conference, I will send you confimation on the Friday Folder report. If you would like a conference, please let me know.
Our field trip to Pattison Park has been postponed to March 3rd. Please send in permission slips.
D.C. money is due tomorrow.
For any other changes, please check the Friday Folder report.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Check out this video of Clara explaining our science learning contracts
In this video, Clara will tell you how our learning contracts work in science class.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Week of Feb 1st.
In science, we are finishing up our Water Cycle contract. Next we will move onto a unit on measurement.
Next week we will be having a Valentines party. Volunteer forms went home on Friday. Please return them ASAP so Mrs. Johnson can organize the items coming in.
Conferences are on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. I have received a few forms back. If you would like to schedule a conference, please send the form back to school.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Short week
Fact Monster on Dr. King
Fill In the Blank on the "I have a dream speech..."
National Geographic's Life in Pictures
This week we will be reading My Brother Martin from our reading book.
In science, we will be learning about the water cycle. The learning contract we will be doing can be found by clicking here or visiting the fourth grade course on the district website.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
OAT Test Practice
We will continue to read The Great Kapok Tree in reading and use the same spelling words this week due to last week's snow days. Be sure to check out the fun rainforest links in the post below.
On Thursday students will have a science test over erosion and weathering. Students will receive a study guide to help them prepare for the test.
Permission slips went home this week for the Local 12 field trip on January 27th. Please return them back to school signed with the $5 transportation fee.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Welcome back!
We will be reading The Great Kapok Tree in reading for the next 2 weeks. Here are some fun activities to go along with our story.
Online concentration game
Count the rainforest animals
Learn about rainforest animals
Label the reainforest animals
Life in the Strata information