We are busy getting ready for the holiday break. We just finished reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. We will compare the text version with the movie version as well as complete a learning contract with grammar, writing, art, and reading activities.
Online Questions and Activities
In math we are continuing to progress in our study of multiplication. Students who do not have their multiplication facts memorized yet will fall behind as we move into double digit multiplication and long division, so please spend time helping your child practice the facts at home. We do not spend much time at school practicing facts as it is expected that the children will learn their facts in third grade.
We have been working on our first science contract as we continue learning about Earth's changing surface.
Thanks to all who have volunteered to send in supplies for the Christmas party on December 18. Mrs. Johnson has taken over the planning and should be contacting you. Feel free to send in any treats, especially healthy ones like fruit and salami roll ups.
Don't forget the spelling bee Friday morning at 9:30. We will be cheering on our 3 girls!!