Congratulations Room 222 Spelling Bee participants! Hannah, Josie, and Ciera will be representing our class on Thursday in the CNE Elementary Spelling Bee!
We will be giving the practice Ohio Achievement Tests (OAT) this week so it is especially important that students be present and on time each day. We give the practice test for three reasons: to familiarize the students with the format and feel of the test, to identify specific academic indicators that need to be covered more thoroughly, and to identify students who would benefit from before-school tutoring. The test that the students take is an actual OAT test given in a previous year. Today students took the reading OAT given in March 2005. Students can access, take, and print this test by visiting
Ohio's portal to Ohio Statewide Testing. Each student has been given a userID (first initial, last name followed by 046326, example- Suzi Smith ssmith046326) and so is able to create a new account, log in, and see the assignments that I have chosen for my class to take. I will give extra credit for each test taken. The tests are long, but they are the exact OATs that have been given in the past, the answers are given immediately after the student posts a response, AND they do NOT have to be taken all at one time. Students may begin a test, do a few questions, and then, as long as they do not SUBMIT the test, come back to work on that test at a later date.
Later this week:
Wednesday: Math OAT
Thursday: Reading Quiz "Adelina's Whales; Spelling Bee 1:30
Friday: Writing OAT; Spelling test; Spelling homework due; Homework packet due