Monday, December 17, 2007
Science Test Wednesday
Evidence of a chemical change always includes A new substance being formed and may also include one or more of the following: An odor; Bubbles which indicate a gas has formed; an unexpected Color change; a Different temperature; and Energy in the form of light given off. Chemical changes cannot usually be reversed. The key difference between a chemical change and a physical change is that in a physical change no new substances are produced. On Wednesday's test, students will be asked to identify which foods should be on the menu at The Chemical Change Cafe. The Chemical Change Cafe only serves food which has undergone a chemical change. When analyzing whether or not a food can be placed on The Chemical Change Cafe's menu, students must give evidence to support their ideas. For example, trail mix can not be placed on the menu because it is a mixture and has not gone through a chemical change. Trail mix is not a new substance because it can be sorted into its orginal ingredients. Buttermilk biscuits can be served at The Chemical Change Cafe because they go through a chemical change. Evidence of a chemical change in biscuits includes bubbles formed by gas when the biscuits bake, an odor (aroma) produced by baking, and most importantly, a new substance is formed. Once the biscuits are baked, you cannot remove the individual ingredients used in the biscuit batter so the change is NOT reversible.
Are you and your child having trouble with multiplication? Try this site on lattice multiplication. It's not the way I learned multiplication, but sometimes it's easier for those who "don't get" traditional math.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Science is Messy!!
Well, I hope everyone goes home and tells their parents about our outdoor science lab today. It was a great time! We will learn more about the science behind it next week!
Don't forget literature projects are due Monday on Informational Text.
Interims went home today. You may keep them. Please sign and return the Friday Folder.
Our holiday parties are Wednesday afternoon. Please let me know if you can
Monday, December 10, 2007
Twas the week before Christmas break...
Spelling: No words until after the new year!
Language Arts: We will work on verb tenses and subject/verb agreement.
Science: We are still working on Chemical/Physical Changes. There should be some interesting demonstrations this week in class you may hear about. For a sneak peek, click here.
Homework: Packets are due Friday. Don't forget literature projects are due next week.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
December already?

Students will have the opportunity to do a little holiday shopping in Santa Shop this week.
Homework and spelling packets are due Friday.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Week of the 26th
Spelling and homework packets are due Friday.
Also on Friday, we will celebrate Rocket Club. I had 5 exceptional young ladies who made it into Rocket Club this 12 weeks. I am hoping for more next grading period.
There will also be a good behavior movie on Friday for those students with no missing work and who had good behavior for the month of November. Students who did not qualify will spend some time in a work room.
Next week, students will have the opportunity to do a little holiday shopping here at school. Our day for Santa Shop is Wednesday. A letter will be coming home later this week with more details.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy Turkey Day
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thank you Veterans!

Today we had a very special treat! Staff Sgt. Woodard came and spoke with us about being a veteran. She told the kids about her 15 years of experience in the Army. They saw first hand a true patriot! Our students had great questions for her. We appreciate her visit and all she does for our country.
Homework and spelling packets are due at the end of the week. Our UDF trip is Friday. Please make sure students are dresses appropriately (warm clothes and gym shoes).
I will be out of the building tomorrow presenting at a conference in Columbus. Don't forget Wednesday is 2 hour early release and pajama day.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Evacuation Drill
Monday will be honor Veteran's Day. Please be sure to wear your red, white, and blue.
Some students still need to bring in their UDF permission slip and $$ for Friday's field trip.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
November 8th

Physical Sciences
1. Identify characteristics of a simple physical change (e.g., heating or cooling can change water from one state to another and the change is reversible).
2. Identify characteristics of a simple chemical change. When a new material is made by combining two or more materials, it has chemical properties that are different from the original materials (e.g., burning paper, vinegar and baking soda).
3. Describe objects by the properties of the materials from which they are made and that these properties can be used to separate or sort a group of objects (e.g., paper, glass, plastic and metal).
4. Explain that matter has different states (e.g., solid, liquid and gas) and that each state has distinct physical properties.
5. Compare ways the temperature of an object can be changed (e.g., rubbing, heating and bending of metal).
Don't forget spelling and homework packets are due tomorrow. Also, a few people still need to return their UDF permission slips and $5.
Reminder that next Wednesday is early release day AND more importantly pajama day! Students will be returning home 2 hours early.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Conference Night

I want to thank everyone who made it to conference night tonight. Although it made for a long evening, I enjoyed meeting with all of you and talking about your children.
Tomorrow is a great day to get those homework packets done. They are due Friday with the spelling homework.
Don't forget to turn in the UDF field trip permission slip and $5 fee.
Enjoy the day off tomorrow!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
"Ohio, Ohio, What a great state!"
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween.
Remember our 4th grade programs tomorrow. Grandparents program starts at noon. Lunch will follow.
The evening program starts at 7:00. Students with parts should arrive at 6:30 and report to Mrs. Conroy. All other students should report at 6:45.
Remember literature projects and homework packets are due Friday.
Monday, October 29, 2007
October 29th

Remember, homework packets and literature projects due Friday. Also, the 4th grade program is Thursday. Check out the 4th grade website for more information.
Use your toothpaste tonight. You will need to have used it for your conclusion tomorrow!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
October 25th
Literature projects are due next Friday on their mystery book.
The 4th grade musical and Grandparents Day is Thursday November 1st. There will be 3 performances: 9:30, 12:00, and 7:00. Students are can invite grandparents to join them for the noon show and then stay for lunch.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
October 23rd

(Hi Ciera!)
Sorry for the late post! We had lots of kids stay for Shutter Bugs today! If you didn't stay you can still see me about getting your picture turned in.
Today was our book fair day. If you forgot your money, you can do make ups Wednesday and Thursday.
Homework due Friday!
Don't forget next week is our program. Let us know if you have grandparents coming for Grandparent's Day on the 1st. Program is in the evening at 7:00.
Monday, October 22, 2007
October 22nd
Homework packets are due Friday. Remember to be working on the literature projects that due next Friday.
Friday, October 19, 2007
October 20
VEHICLE DAY WAS A BLAST! And not just because I got to go up in a cherry picker! Even though we had to listen to the honking of the semis all morning, Vehicle Day was a huge success. The weather was great and we had all sorts of different vehicles to look at. Students got to spray cones down with a water hose and watch their teacher get the fear of her life riding in the cherry picker! Students were also able to blow the horn on a huge semi tow truck!
Homework packets and conference forms went home on Friday Folder reports. Although some students do not need a conference, you are more than welcome to request one.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
October 17
Reminder that students need to complete homework by Friday.
Students have a social studies test tomorrow.
There is a math test on Friday.
Students will have a quiz on the scientific method tomorrow in science. Students will be given a lab report to label. They should know the following 6 steps:
Question: What am I trying to solve?
Observations: Collecting information using my senses.
Hypothesis: Educated guess stated in a way that can be tested.
Procedure: Step by step instruction to complete the experiment.
Data: Information collected from experiment.
Conclusion: Was hypothesis correct? What changes would I make?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
October 16th
Students will be going home 2 hours early. Please make sure you let us know if your child needs other transportation arrangements.
Homework and spelling packets are due Friday.
Students may earn science extra credit for brining me fun facts/trivia about the Coca-Cola company.
Monday, October 15, 2007
October 15th
Homework packets went home on Thursday last week. Students had additional math and social studies homework tonight that needs to be completed for tomorrow.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
October 11th

No post yesterday. I was out with my young daughter. I got a good report on almost everyone from the sub.
Still need a few more report card envelopes back.
I am sending home next week's homework attached to the Friday Folder report. I thought some of you might like to get a jump start! My reading class will still be working on finishing
There is an early release day next Wednesday! Remember they will be coming home 2 hours early. Please send in a note if your child has other transportation arrangements that day.
Enjoy the long weekend!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
October 9th

You MUST ask your child about what they learned in science class today! I don't want to spoil the surprise but we tackled the hot topic of global warming.
Remember, homework and spelling packets are due Thursday since there is no school Friday. There will be a spelling test Thursday.
There will be an early release next Wednesday. Students will be arriving home 2 hours early.
Monday, October 8, 2007
October 8th

Today our local firefighters came in to talk with is about fire safety. Be sure to ask you kids about what they learned today. Please remember to sign and return your report card envelopes. You may keep the report cards.
Washington D.C. deposits were due today. Please contact Mrs. Bower ASAP if you were planning on going and have not sent in your deposit.
Homework packets went home on Friday so students could get a head start on this short week. Homework and spelling packets are due on Thursday.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Oct 2nd-4th
Homework packets are due tomorrow. There was no spelling this week.
Report cards will come home tomorrow for people who have paid a portion of their student fees. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Distler in the office.
Next week is a short week, no school Friday. I will send the homework packet home tomorrow for next week so that students can get a head start.
Washington D.C. deposits are due Monday and are $50. Checks should be made out to Croswell.
Monday, October 1, 2007
October 1st
Students only have homework packet this week.
Our field trip to the museum is Wednesday. I am still needing a few permission slips. Please send them in tomorrow. Students need to pack a sack lunch with NO GLASS BOTTLES.
Report cards go home Friday. You must have paid at least $1o towards student fees to get a report card.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
September 27th
We will have our class auction tomorrow. If you have anything you would donate (snacks, drinks, knick-knacks) please send them in. We will shoe our good behavior movies tomorrow. Students will get to buy a movie tickets and snacks with their money they have earned this 6 weeks.
Spelling and homework packets are due tomorrow. Literature projects are also due tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing them.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
September 26th ("Sniff... Bye Serena!")
Someone told me it was going to be cooler today. Well, NOT IN ROOM 222!!
Anyway, enough complaining. We took our ThinkLink math test today. This will really help us plan our instruction. Our students worked very hard!
Homework: Spelling and homework packets. Literature projects are due Friday. One came in today that was amazing!! Ask the kids about it!
Also... our butterfly hatched today!! She was only in her chrysalis for a week. We let her go at my house tonight (my 4 year old cried for an hour and wanted her back!).
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
September 25th
Make sure you are signing and sending back in Friday Folder reports each week.
Homework: A few students need to finish a language arts paper on the 4 types of sentences. Literature projects are due Friday along with other homework.
Monday, September 24, 2007
September 24th
Today we had our first Think Link testing date. We did the reading/language arts test today. This is an online assessment that helps is target our instruction to better prepare us for the Ohio Achievement Tests. We will take the reading test on Wednesday. Students also had their pictures taken today. They will have the opportunity to have their picture taken again during retakes later this year.
We starting reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing today. We will be reading it for the next 2 weeks.
Spelling and homework packets are due Friday. Realistic literature projects are also due on Friday. Students need to see me ASAP if they need a project idea.
Friday, September 21, 2007
September 21st
Today the kids got a special treat. The were able to watch and hour long presentation about Native American story telling. We wrapped up our M&M lab today in science. We took our spelling tests. I met with all of the students today and talked about possible literature projects. Some students had not even selected their book! Hopefully they will catch up over the weekend!
We were excited about our butterfly going into his chrysalis yesterday. We will keep you informed of his progress.
Picture Day is Monday. Everyone bring their smiles! We will begin Think Link testing on Monday. This is an online assessment that helps us target areas of concern to prepare for the Ohio Achievement Tests in May. We will have these tests again in December and in the spring.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
September 20th
In social studies, students need a piece of cardboard approximately 9x12 inches (cutting up an old box is fine). They also need index cards.
Spelling test and homework packets due tomorrow.
Homework packets due tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
September 19th
Reading Test tomorrow. Make sure you have read the story carefully!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
September 18th
Today we had our thumb wrestling championship for each of the science classes! Congratulations to all of the competitors! It was a great day! On Thursday in science class we will compare our data and answer our question "What makes a champion thumb wrestler?"
Remember, EARLY RELEASE DAY tomorrow! Students will be released 2 hours early tomorrow. Also, the bus drivers are going over bus safety with the high, middle, and elementary schools, so the buses may be a little late picking up your child in the morning.
Homework: Packets and spelling.
Literature Projects: Due Friday the 28th!
Monday, September 17, 2007
September 17th
Homework: Packet and spelling (students will be able to complete 30 points
Literature Projects are due next Friday. I will be conferencing with students this week to make sure they have an idea about their project. If not, I will help them come up with one.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
September 12
Spelling Test Tomorrow!
As of Monday, students must return signed Friday Folders. Please help them remember to return them to school!!
Instructions for logging onto the internet and getting access to the Scott Forsemen web site will be coming home tomorrow. This allows you access to the reading and math text and workbooks online!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
September 10-12
We have Mrs. Krebs from the Soil and Water Conservation coming today to talk to us about Monarch butterflies and the milkweed plant.
Homework packets went home on Monday. Students will have the opportunity to complete 30 points of spelling homework in class, so they only need to complete 20 points at home.
Don't forget literature projects are due on the 28th!!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
September 7
Shutter Bugs meet Tuesday. Students must have a permission slip to stay after school. Any questions, please let me know.
Spelling: Student will have the opportunity to complete 30 of the spelling points in class next week. That means they only need to do 20 points at home! Try and finish the spelling over the weekend!
Thanks for everyone who attended Parent Information Night last night. If you missed it, all of the information we covered is on the website,
Have a great weekend!!!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Parent Information Night Tonight at 7!
Homework: Packets are due tomorrow!
Spelling: Test and homework packet is due tomorrow!
Reading: For Mrs. Thompson's reading class, test on Lewis and Clark and Me tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
September 5

Today we had our 1st computer lab. Students were given their assignments for the 4th grade newsletter from Mrs. Merrill. Students will work on their jobs this month and then be given a new job next month.
Last night we had a visit from some furry friends that need a good home. Their mother was rescued and the 10 husky mix puppies are looking for a good home. The

Homework: I am still waiting on some people's work from last week. Packets for this week are due Friday.
Spelling Homework: Starting this week, student will have the option to complete a spelling worksheet worth 20 points!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
September 4
After a weekend of grading papers we had LOTS of missing work. Please look around at home for those missing assignments.
Homework: 3 page packet.
Spelling homework: 50 points by Friday for an A. Congrats to the 2 smart students who finished their spelling homework over the weekend.
Parent Information Night on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the gym.
Kids- tell your parents about Shutter Bugs!
Friday, August 31, 2007
August 31st
Friday Folders went home today. Encourage your child to get their spelling homework completed over the weekend.
Remember, no school on Monday!!
Have a great weekend!!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
August 30th
Homework: Packets are due tomorrow. The packets included a math, social studies, and reading worksheet as well as the spelling homework.
Spelling: We will have a spelling test tomorrow. Our spelling test is modeled after the Ohio Achievement Test. Make sure your child can identify the words if they are misspelled.
We will work on our internet project tomorrow. Student must have their permission slip signed to get on the computers. Click here to view our paper airplanes for our internet project. The password to view the pictures is "gocne."
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
August 29th
Reading: There is a test tomorrow. Make sure you know those vocabulary words (kids- sing along if you need to!).
Spelling: Weekly lists are now posted on the web page under Student Links. Click here to see the list.
Today we started our internet project. We tested our paper airplanes today and recorded the results. Ask your child about their question and hypothesis. We will be revising our lab sheets tomorrow and post the information on the web pages Friday.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
August 28
Here is important information for today.
Reading: There will be a test on Winn Dixie Thursday. For some extra practice on the vocabulary, click here. Extra Credit:Complete the "Because of Winn Dixie" webquest.
Spelling: Test Friday. For a link to the spelling homework, click here.
Math/Social Studies: Some students may be bringing home a class assignment to finish tonight for homework. It is due tomorrow.
Homework Packets: Due Friday
Tomorrow will be very hot. Please bring a water bottle to help get through the day! We are releasing 2 hours early due to the heat!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
August 27
Don't forget water bottles and healthy snack for tomorrow!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Week 2

Please make sure all of the forms are turn in tomorrow. We are starting a collaborative project with a class from Wyoming Middle School this week, so I need everyone's permission slips! To access the page for the project, click here. Hopefully this is the first of many fun projects this year.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Is it hot enough for ya?
Things to remember for tomorrow...
1. Water bottle
2. Healthy snack
3. School forms
Remember 2 hour early release on Friday!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
What a great 1st day!
1. Water bottle
2. Healthy snack
3. Pictures and magazines to cut up
4. Any supplies you need
5. 2 book covers (reading and social studies books)
We will be dismissing 2 hours early on Friday because of the heat. Please make sure you make arrangements for you child.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Open House
I am looking forward to a great year! See you in the morning!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Meet the Teacher Night

Our start and ending times have changed this year. We will be moving everything up 10 minutes, so school starts at 8:25 and ends at 3:25. Lots of the bus routes have changed as well. If you are not sure about pick up/drop off times, please make sure you check with the bus garage.
Remember on the first day to bring pictures and things we can scrapbook on your journal. Also, we eat a late lunch, so student are permitted to bring a healthy snack for the morning. Since it is going to be VERY HOT students are also allowed to bring a water bottle with a sports cap.
Looking forward to seeing everyone this week!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
School Supplies

I know everyone is getting ready for the beginning of school. Shopping for those school supplies can be lots of fun for kids (and frustrating for us parents). Just a few comments about the supplies, it is important to get a 2 inch binder so it fits all of our supplies. Students will need the plastic folders that go into the binders. For an example of those folders, click here. For the first day of school, each student will need a composition notebook. This is a great time to purchase them because they can be found for 50 cents or less at stores like Target and Staples. In addition to a notebook, everyone needs to bring in several pictures (that will not be returned) that represent important aspects of your lives. Pictures cut from magazines and/or photographs are perfect for the activity that we will do.
I hope to see you at the Open House on Tuesday, August 21 from 5-6 p.m!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Counting Down!!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Hello New 4th graders!
I am looking forward to a great year! Keeping reading this summer. Remember the AR library will be open!